Researchers from vpnMentor found a massive database, completely unsecured and hosting data for approximately 80 million American households. This database contains a lot of private information, including addresses, names, marital status, age and more. The database was found on a Microsoft cloud server, to which Microsoft has quickly responded by taking down the server and looking for the owner. Unfortunately it is currently unknown how long this data may have been out in the wild, and what people may have gotten into that database before it was found by the vpnMentor research team.

 Cloud providers like Microsoft, Amazon, Google and many others provide a great service for the world, but they do not protect your company against these kinds of problems. The responsibility to secure your company and your customer’s data lies with the personnel in charge of implementation and consumption of that cloud service. When first working with a cloud provider it may not be immediately clear what is required to ensure end-to-end security. When in doubt ask questions to the provider. There are also a wealth of communities willing to share information on how to secure these systems, what you need to look for and who to ask if you cannot do it yourself.

 Remember that data leaks are usually far more expensive and painful than hiring info security personnel or paying for a third party security review.

 vpnMentor Post on the Data Leak